Don’t miss this great story. Link HERE
Don’t miss this great story. Link HERE
For my 25th birthday I received from my father a box of my grandfather Claudio Majorana's negatives. He was an engineer and politician but in his own way also a photographer. Like a Pandora's box the archive revealed a world I didn't know anything about. The fact we never met made these pictures the strongest connection between me and him. I'm super happy that his American pictures were just published by Archivio Magazine. You are all invited at Micamera Milan on November 18 for the presentation of the magazine and a talk about his work. I will be there with my father Marcello. Thanks Achille Filipponi, Alba Solaro, Giulia Zorzi and Gino Delledonne for the wonderful article.
© Claudio Majorana Senior Archive
New interview! Thanks Roberta and Ale at Share Skateboarding <3
One of my favourite books and projects about adolescence.
When you get a book at Tipi Bookshop it comes in a decorated box made by Andrea Copetti. After I received Afterword by Fukase (wonderful book about his cat) I left the box behind a tent. A few weeks later Zira started collecting her toys inside it and using it to sleep. Read the new interview about Tipi Bookshop HERE !
Out in the newsstand there's an article on Rumore Magazine Issue 302 about Sicilian music scene with my pictures and a little interview about my works and some of the influences between skateboarding and music. Thanks Gianluca Runza and all the featured Sicilian artists. Grab a copy in the Italian newsstands!
UNA SECONDA ADOLESCENZA is my new interview for i-D Magazine Italy. In this interview I talk about my new project Head of the Lion, my love for US, the Sicilian skateboard scene and much more. Take a look HERE
...FOR NOT GIVING A FUCK. Thanks Anna Adamo for sending over these inspiring words from Larry Clark. Read it HERE.
A new interview for Pixathinking. Not really an interview actually. It' called Random Five because I chose five things I wanted to talk about. Among the other persons interviewed you'll find Pietro Corraini, Emanuele Rosso, Pietro Nicolauchic and many more. Check it HERE, this time it's in Italian!
© Robert Capa (Magnum)
Interesting interview to Alec Soth.